Robert Watson
Book: George Washington’s Final Battle

George Washington’s Final Battle

The Epic Struggle to Build a Capital City and Nation

A fine and full account of the much-contested founding of Washington, DC. Watson documents clearly and convincingly why the first president deserved to have the nation’s capital bear his name.

Gordon S. Wood, Pulitzer Prize winning author, National Humanities Medal recipient, and Alva O. Way University Professor at Brown University

Book: Escape!


The Story of the Confederacy’s Infamous Libby Prison and the Civil War’s Largest Jail Break

Relying heavily on the memoirs and diaries of the survivors of the Confederacy’s Libby Prison, Robert Watson draws attention to the centrality of the prison experience during the Civil War and the lessons it holds for understanding the capacity of seemingly ordinary men for cruelty and violence. Watson’s vivid prose is at its best when conveying the humanity, valor, and ingenuity of the United States military officers who endured deplorable conditions to mount a daring escape from the Confederate prison. Ample historical context and biographical detail, including the captivating stories of escaped prisoners who rejoined the fight against slavery and disunion, make this a compelling and informative read for anyone interested in nineteenth century American history and culture.

Glen Asner, Military historian, Pentagon

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Robert Watson, Ph.D.

Robert Watson, Ph.D.

is an award-winning author, professor, historian, and analyst for numerous media outlets. He has published over 40 books on history and politics and hundreds of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, and reference essays.

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